daily-spurned mylife-myway misc-tools

i miss my real parentss

Sunday, October 24, 2010

wahhh!! its has been 3years. since i didnt realise who is my real parents. everytime during hari raya. the first day, must asked for forgiveness. they would not forgive me. altough i had tried to shake hand. instead they would throw the money to me! as if i was a dog to them. its ohk if eu all dun like me. i know i was once a gangster. didnt really listen to you all. and i just kept thinking of who is my real parents. like wad other would say.! 'its ohkay if no ones care about you". just be normal and when later you are old and have a job. you can say fuck off to them. now i kept thinking of working. although i got alot of money. i really need a job. staying at home. make me feel lonely. finding job is eeasy. i wouldnt said im rich. i got alot of money. but i love to earn more money. money is like my own parents. they are spent on the needs/wants. hahha.. hopefully, i can get the hotel job soon. so that i can make my parents realised that i can be independant. i would not help them if they are in need of money. i would make them suffered. as what i have been thru this 3years. but i kept quiet. every mistakes i done. they would only know how to call police and get me arrested. the other want, wants me to be in jailed. i will prove to you all. that i had changed,

your sincerely,
mohd. Fiiqo aka ahboii small small

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

8:50 AM

Qeqerlstarbright here =)

Friday, October 22, 2010

mushiee mushiee ,

qeqerlstarbright disniyeh ^^

Im just updating my dearest ex Fyko punyaa bloggie ^^

Btw how ya peep doing ?

I missh blogging seyh ^^

So yeah , i pity my ex Fyko for what he had been through the difficulties that he had with his past relationship and all that ..

Dearest ex Fyko dont give up kaayy ? One day ur princess will come to you ..

For those who had hurt him alot , please go look at urself in the mirror ..


and to my ex Fyko , im always here for you when u need to share ur problems just call me up ^^ and im willingy to help you ..

Til here then , oh yeah pape peeps view my bloggie at www.iqahdahstartkecoh.blogspot,.com

goodbye bloggie peeps ^^ tc alright ?


- This heart of mines is in pain♥

12:18 AM