daily-spurned mylife-myway misc-tools

Friday, November 5, 2010

yestrday. arnd 12.45, reach jurgeast mrt station. when up to the escalator. to aboard the mrt station. was hold up. by 4 mly transcom. cause he saw me piercing. so he suspect me of playing shirt. but i said i didnt. he screen me. and do a spot check. asked me to take out everything inside my pocket. i took out lorr. and he saw a swiss knife. and asked what is this for? i say nothing. he kept on saying that i was playing shirt. but i deny. i know i didnt play. he brought me to the smrt room. and got two more transcom. asked me what is this for? i said it was for cutting my neighbour branch. cause she got a flower. but was detained. i follow like a dog. from one room to another. then sat down on a room. the mly transcom tell story abt themselves. said playing shirt. then one of them asked to close the light. and beat me up. like make me scard. and make fun of my ic all.. cb uhk them.. then police came. from the smrt room all the way to the jurgeast interchgd road. handcuff. brought to the cantement.. clementi. sit inside a room. handcuff myself. then got one uncle name abdul rahman. was kind. he check me all.. although i had to strip myself up. at first i was shy. but had no choice. cause of he scared i got weapon. all my piercing was taken. i said inside the cell for abt 30min. then got one indian fellow. call me bro. and we chatted lor. we are just like the two person from the whole cell. just talking loudly. arnd 7, i get and interview from my i/o. i told the whole story. abt what happend. at first i was lying to him. them he got angry. i said sorry. and i told the real story..! after finished. i was brought back to the cell. talk to my indian cellmates from othe cell. tell what happened. i had to tell the truth. i was once a shirt. but long time no more. after i got beaten by outside people last year.. arnd 2am. i was released. i was happie to see my mum. and grandma. but i didnt know what i was supposed to said as i was shy. this is the first and last time im gonna do a case

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

7:22 PM

i cant remember who i am now!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

day by day. night came to be there for me. after wad happened to me last tues. and a month of sickness. i couldnt bear to loose eu. but i had to. i dun believe in love anymore. cause love make feel guilty. i just miss my parents. last tues nytes. after seeing doc. i kneel down to my mum. as i heard she came back from work. i didnt know wad i was doing. i cried in front of her. and asked for forgiveness. i didnt know wad to do. but till now i didnt know did i do it or not. cause i didnt remember a thing abt that incident. all i know. is that i dun know wads my real name. and since when i had chgd.? i tink 'Allah' had made me forget all the bad things that i had done? but whye couldnt i remember a think. please dun make me like this? i just dun want to forget wad i did that time. wads my real name? or what should i do to gain my memories again! please sumbody help me! i just wanna know who am i for the past few years. after 3years suffering. now i didnt know who i am. suddenly my parents started to talk to me. whye is this happening to me? im confuses and what am i supposed to do? or should i just keep quiet. pretend that i know everything? i nid sumone to tell me. what?? all i had to said when im gone. please be happy and forgive my sins that i had cause all this while!

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

9:37 PM

i miss my real parentss

Sunday, October 24, 2010

wahhh!! its has been 3years. since i didnt realise who is my real parents. everytime during hari raya. the first day, must asked for forgiveness. they would not forgive me. altough i had tried to shake hand. instead they would throw the money to me! as if i was a dog to them. its ohk if eu all dun like me. i know i was once a gangster. didnt really listen to you all. and i just kept thinking of who is my real parents. like wad other would say.! 'its ohkay if no ones care about you". just be normal and when later you are old and have a job. you can say fuck off to them. now i kept thinking of working. although i got alot of money. i really need a job. staying at home. make me feel lonely. finding job is eeasy. i wouldnt said im rich. i got alot of money. but i love to earn more money. money is like my own parents. they are spent on the needs/wants. hahha.. hopefully, i can get the hotel job soon. so that i can make my parents realised that i can be independant. i would not help them if they are in need of money. i would make them suffered. as what i have been thru this 3years. but i kept quiet. every mistakes i done. they would only know how to call police and get me arrested. the other want, wants me to be in jailed. i will prove to you all. that i had changed,

your sincerely,
mohd. Fiiqo aka ahboii small small

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

8:50 AM

Qeqerlstarbright here =)

Friday, October 22, 2010

mushiee mushiee ,

qeqerlstarbright disniyeh ^^

Im just updating my dearest ex Fyko punyaa bloggie ^^

Btw how ya peep doing ?

I missh blogging seyh ^^

So yeah , i pity my ex Fyko for what he had been through the difficulties that he had with his past relationship and all that ..

Dearest ex Fyko dont give up kaayy ? One day ur princess will come to you ..

For those who had hurt him alot , please go look at urself in the mirror ..


and to my ex Fyko , im always here for you when u need to share ur problems just call me up ^^ and im willingy to help you ..

Til here then , oh yeah pape peeps view my bloggie at www.iqahdahstartkecoh.blogspot,.com

goodbye bloggie peeps ^^ tc alright ?


- This heart of mines is in pain♥

12:18 AM

aku perlukan org jage aku

Saturday, October 10, 2009

haha.. aku telah byk kenali orng.. smpi smlm aku kuar raye kat jurg east.. org npk aku,.. misti salam.. haiz sakit tao ati aku.. aku tknk ade hal lagk.. ptt skg org mtk aku gado.. aku berbual jeq. aku da serik la.. setelah ape da jadi kat aku.. 2 tahun.. aku mohon agar kau menjage aku la. aku mohon maaf kat org luar sana.. aku akan gado bile aku kat luar la.. aku pnye pasal la.. aku tknk msk pape hal la.. biarkan aku ddk diam diri.. layan mataer aku.. aku tkt sgt la..

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

2:52 AM

sakit ati pada 30/09/09

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sepatutnye aku harus jmpe kawan aku narie.. sblm pukul 3.. dia kate dia akan tgu aku walaopon aku labat.. nanti ini kah blasan aku.. padahal counter ticket topup tuh rami org.. so aku tepksa la tgu.. aku smpi umh dlm kul 2.15.. siap2 smuer.. thn aku da kuar.. da naek bus.. msg dia.. dia kate da tklyh jmpe dia.. da labat.. aku cam nak gdo jeq, binget la.. tk ttao ape nak uat lgk la.. cam nak mati la.. aby kate fri nak jmpe aku ape?

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

1:25 AM

aku sedih pikirkan masa depan ku

Sunday, September 13, 2009

mengapa sukar untuk aku berubah setelah kini. aku kuar dari baju. hidop aku. macam taknk hidop lagk. merana betol. tyme tuh sblm ttp sekola ade bdk aju.. menaya kpada ku. yg aku ade payung ke org jge tak.. dia menaya kepda ku.. psal aju smue.. tpy aku tknk mau msk lagk. oh allah.. berikan aku pertunjuk kepda perjalanan aku,.

- This heart of mines is in pain♥

1:13 AM